Very little is known about the state of our forests, parks and trails. Nonetheless, you’ve probably noticed single-use products and drink containers when out for a run, cycle or walk. To understand the bigger picture and inform system change, Trash Free Trails have collected data and trash provided by 2,000 volunteers.
It turns out that Lucozade (which happens to be based in the Forest of Dean) is the most common brand found among litter recorded over the last three years. But this is not just about one brand. It’s about the simple yet meaningful act of removing single-use pollution from urban and wild places.
In doing so, over 80% of people felt more connected to the trails after taking positive action, according to this year’s upcoming State of Our Trails Report. Ultimately, it’s not the amount of time we spend in the outdoors but how we engage and care for nature that makes us feel connected.
To raise awareness, the team at Aspire collaborated with Camino Ultra and Trash Free Trails to create ‘City Trash Trail’. Christopher Baker joined the run around South London to document runners as they cleaned up the trail. The runners picked up approximately 800 pieces that have been inputted into the State of Our Trails report.
You can support Trash Free Trails by organising your own trail and submitting your data or donating via their website.